• In the media

29th February - The perfect day to take a LEAP of faith

Always known as someone who went out and chased what I wanted, on the 29th February 2008, tired of waiting, I proposed to Graeme, but despite it being a perfect moment, it was not the one I had planned.

Forget balance, drive work and home closer together for better integration

Work-life integration acknowledges the increasingly blurred lines between the professional and personal, and creates a more efficient framework for the natural ebbs and flows between work and home priorities, putting trust in the individual to adapt as required.

Embrace the Play-to-Win Mindset

So whether you're an aspiring professional, a seasoned entrepreneur, or someone simply looking to excel in life, remember this: playing to win is about believing in yourself, setting audacious goals, and seizing every opportunity that comes your way.

Marriage and business: The art of staying in our lanes

Aligning your visions and ambitions with business partners will always stand you in good stead. Every partnership is unique, and for us, staying steadfastly within our own lanes is the cornerstone of what works for us.

One year in Dubai: environment, risk, and accountability

One year in Dubai: Leanne Carling looks back on her first year in Dubai with her family, and what she's learned about environment, risk, and accountability